Lovers of Color Unite

Journey into nothing to reveal everything

Lovers of Color unite, you have nothing to lose but your minds. This website is a storytelling experiment. The story is made up. It came from my mind. Sadly I have lost my mind. Should we go find it?

Before we embark on our quest, let’s establish a few facts. I am not a professional photographer. Yes, I am trying to be funny. I am distracted easily and often forget my point. A few points I won’t forget: Art is life. Black lives matter. Housing is a human right. Jesus was a radical. All war is class war.

Enough about me, let’s go find the story.

  • Finding my Fairy Godmother

    Finding my Fairy Godmother

    Once upon a time in a land exactly right here, there lived a young maiden fair who was eager to please. Her songs were sweet and simple. As our maiden grew older she heard whispers of a man in the clouds with the power of a thousand thunderbolts. But with each glance to the billowy…

    CONTINUE READING: Finding my Fairy Godmother
  • My best friend

    My best friend

    My best friend can be a little selfish. He sometimes forgets about personal space and is very opinionated. He is a very good judge of character, but is not shy when he doesn’t like you. He doesn’t like most people. What does that say about them? My best friend always knows how to cheer me…

    CONTINUE READING: My best friend
  • A Good Faith Effort

    A Good Faith Effort

    Once upon a time there was a fairy princess who wanted to share her colors. With the help of her handsome prince, she created this website. Stay tuned for more color.

    CONTINUE READING: A Good Faith Effort

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